MX Foundation 4
CMXF_A429_DATAREC | ARINC 429 Transmit / Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_A429_SAMPREC | ARINC 429 Sampling Record |
CMXF_A629_DATAREC | ARINC 629 Transmit / Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_A629_ERROR_INJ | ARINC 629 Error Injection Structure |
CMXF_A629_FC | ARINC 629 Freshness Counter Structure |
CMXF_A629_SAMPREC | ARINC 629 Receive Sampling Structure |
CMXF_A629_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG | ARINC 629 Periodic Message Structure |
CMXF_A629_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_PROPERTIES | ARINC 629 Major Frame Properties Structure |
CMXF_A629_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_SYNC | ARINC 629 Frame Synchronize Structure |
►CMXF_A664_DATAREC | ARINC 664 Transmit / Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_A664_EDE_CRC_CONFIG | ARINC 664 EDE CRC Configuration |
CMXF_A664_EDE_ES_CONFIG | ARINC 664 End System Configuration |
►CMXF_A664_ERROR_INJ | ARINC 664 Error Injection Structure |
►CMXF_A664_PORT_ADRS | ARINC 664 Port Address Structure |
►CMXF_A664_PORT_PARAM | ARINC 664 COM/SAP Ports Creation Parameters Attributes |
►CMXF_A664_SAMPREC | ARINC 664 Receive Sampling Structure |
CMXF_A664_STAT_DISTRIB | ARINC 664 Receive VL Statistical Counters |
CMXF_A664_STAT_IP | ARINC 664 Tx/Rx IP protocol stack counters |
CMXF_A664_STAT_MAC_RX | ARINC 664 MAC RX Physical Ports Counters |
CMXF_A664_STAT_PORT_RX | ARINC 664 Port Group Statistical Counters |
CMXF_A664_STAT_PORT_TX | ARINC 664 Port Group Statistical Counters |
CMXF_A664_STAT_SUBVL_TX | ARINC 664 VL SubVL(s) Group Statistical Counters |
CMXF_A664_STAT_UDP | ARINC 664 Tx/Rx UDP protocol stack counters |
CMXF_A664_STAT_VL_RX | ARINC 664 Receive VL Statistical Counters |
CMXF_A664_STAT_VL_RX_EDE_PORT_REDUNDANCY | ARINC 664 Receive EDE Statistical Counters for Physical Port |
CMXF_A664_STAT_VL_RX_EDE_REDUNDANCY | ARINC 664 Receive EDE Statistical Counters |
►CMXF_A664_STAT_VL_RX_MAC_REDUNDANCY | ARINC 664 MAC Port Redundancy Counters for Physical Ports |
CMXF_A664_STAT_VL_TX | ARINC 664 VL SubVL(s) Group Statistical Counters |
►CMXF_A664_VL_PARAM | ARINC 664 Virtual Link VL Tx/Rx Parameters Attributes |
CMXF_A708_DATAREC | ARINC 708 Transmit / Receive Record Structure |
CMXF_A708_SAMPREC | ARINC 708 Sampling Record |
CMXF_A717_DATAREC | ARINC 717 Transmit - Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_ACL_PERMISSIONS | ACL Permissions Structure |
CMXF_ACL_USER | ACL User Structure |
►CMXF_ANALOG_DATAREC | Analog Data Record |
►CMXF_ANALOG_SAMPREC | Analog Receive (Sampling) Record |
CMXF_ASCB_DATAREC | ASCB Transmit / Receive Record Structure |
CMXF_ASCB_FC | ASCB Freshness Counter Structure |
CMXF_ASCB_SAMPREC | ASCB Receive Sampling Structure |
CMXF_ASYNCEH_9BIT_DATAREC | ASYNC Enhanced 9-bit Transmit / Receive Record Structure |
CMXF_ASYNCEH_DATAREC | ASYNC Enhanced Transmit / Receive Record Structure |
►CMXF_ASYNCEVENT_CONDITION | Asynchronous Event Condition Structure |
►CMXF_ASYNCEVENT_PENDING_INFO | Asynchronous Event Pending Information Structure |
CMXF_ATTRIBUTE_INFO | Attribute Information Data Structure |
►CMXF_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_DOUBLE_DETAILS | Attribute Information Data Structure (floating-point attribute) |
►CMXF_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_UINT64_DETAILS | Attribute Information Data Structure (unsigned attribute) |
CMXF_CANBUS_BIT_TIMING | FD CAN bit timing structure |
CMXF_CANBUS_DATAREC | CAN bus Transmit / Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_CANBUS_FD_TIMING | FD CAN timing structure |
CMXF_CANBUS_SAMPREC | CAN bus Receive (Sampling) Record |
CMXF_CANBUS_TIMING | Classical CAN timing structure |
CMXF_CANBUS_TIMING_LIST | CAN bus timing list structure |
CMXF_CSDB_DATAREC | CSDB Transmit - Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_CSDB_SAMPREC | CSDB Sampling Record |
CMXF_DEVICE_INFO | Device Information Structure |
CMXF_DEVICE_MODULE_INFO | Device Module Information Structure |
CMXF_DEVICE_REGION | Device Region Information Structure |
CMXF_DEVICE_STAT_ERROR_DETAILS | Device errors details counters |
►CMXF_DEVICE_STAT_RESOURCES | Device resources details |
CMXF_DISCRETE_DATAREC | Discrete Transmit / Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_DISCRETE_SAMPREC | Discrete Receive Sampling record |
CMXF_EMBEDDED_DATAREC | Embedded Data Record Structure |
►CMXF_EMBEDDED_RX_INFO | Embedded Message Reception Information Structure |
CMXF_EMBEDDED_TXAPERIODIC_MSG | Embedded Aperiodic Transmit Information Structure |
CMXF_EMBEDDED_TXPERIODIC_UPDATEMSG | Embedded Periodic Update Transmit Information Structure |
CMXF_EMBEDDED_TXPERIODIC_UPDATEMSG_INFO | Embedded Periodic Update Message Transmission Information Structure |
CMXF_FLASH_INFO | Device Flash Information Structure |
CMXF_FLEXANALOG_DATAREC | Flex Analog Transmit / Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_FLEXANALOG_SAMPREC | Flex Analog Sampling Receive Record |
CMXF_FLEXDIO_DATAREC | Discrete Transmit / Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_FLEXDIO_SAMPREC | Discrete Receive Sampling record |
CMXF_HDLC_DATAREC | HDLC Transmit / Receive Record Structure |
CMXF_HFCE_DATAREC | HFCE Transmit / Receive Record Structure |
►CMXF_MIL1553_DATAREC | MIL 1553 Transmit / Receive (Acquisition) Record |
CMXF_MIL1553_ERROR_INJ | MIL 1553 Error Injection Structure |
CMXF_MIL1553_MSGINFO | MIL 1553 Message Information Structure |
CMXF_MIL1553_SAMPREC | MIL 1553 Receive Sampling Structure |
CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_ERROR_BYBUS | MIL 1553 BUS Statistical Errors Counters |
CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_ERROR_BYMSG | MIL 1553 MSG Statistical Errors Counters |
►CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_ERROR_DETAILS_SUBADDRESS | MIL 1553 Bus Statistical Errors Subadresses Details Structure |
►CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_ERROR_GLOBAL | MIL 1553 Bus Statistical Errors Global Structure |
►CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_ERROR_GLOBAL_ALL_ADDRESS | MIL 1553 Bus Statistical Errors Addresses Counters |
►CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_ERROR_GLOBAL_ALL_SUBADDRESS | MIL 1553 Bus Statistical Errors Subadresses Structure |
►CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_TRANSACTION_DETAILS_SUBADDRESS | MIL 1553 Transaction Details Subaddress Structure |
►CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_TRANSACTION_GLOBAL | MIL 1553 Global Transactions Statistical Errors Counters |
►CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_TRANSACTION_GLOBAL_ALL_ADDRESS | MIL 1553 Global Transactions Statistical All Addresses Counters |
►CMXF_MIL1553_STAT_TRANSACTION_GLOBAL_ALL_SUBADDRESS | MIL 1553 Global Transactions Statistical All Subaddresses Counters |
CMXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MINOR_PROPERTIES | MIL 1553 Periodic Minor Frame Properties Structure |
CMXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG | MIL 1553 Periodic Message Structure |
CMXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_PROPERTIES | MIL 1553 Major Frame Properties Structure |
CMXF_MSG_UPDATE_DATAREC | Structure to be used with mxfTxPeriodicUpdateMsgUpdate() |
CMXF_MSGID_A429 | ARINC 429 Addressing Structure |
CMXF_MSGID_A629 | ARINC 629 Addressing Structure |
CMXF_MSGID_A708 | ARINC 708 Addressing Structure |
CMXF_MSGID_ASCB | ASCB Addressing Structure |
CMXF_MSGID_CANBUS | CAN bus Addressing Structure |
CMXF_MSGID_CSDB | ARINC CSDB Addressing Structure |
CMXF_MSGID_MIL1553 | ARINC 1553 Addressing Structure |
CMXF_NETWORK_SERVER_USER_INFO | Network User Info Structure |
CMXF_NVSTORAGE_INFO | Device Non Volatile Flash Information |
CMXF_PULSE_DATAREC | Pulse Transmit Record |
CMXF_REV | Device Flash Revision Structure |
CMXF_RXACQ_TRIG_COND_ACQRUN_PARM | Acquisition Conditional Trigger run parameters |
CMXF_RXACQ_TRIG_COND_RDATA_DW_PARM | Acquisition Conditional Trigger data parameters |
CMXF_SENSOR_INFO | Sensor Information Structure |
CMXF_SENSOR_VALUE | Sensor Data Structure |
CMXF_SOFT_INFO | Device Software Description and Versions Structure |
CMXF_TIMER_IRIGB | IRIG-B Timer Data Structure |