MX Foundation 4
Basic Transmission

The basic transmission method consists of sending one record to set the output voltage value and does not care about any timing consideration.

This is the most basic method to sending data. The example below shows all the steps required to build a basic analog transmission function.

  • Get the DAC channel handle with mxfChannelGet() function or another similar function.
  • Configure the DAC channel and module attributes.
  • Allocate the specific aperiodic buffer for transmission.
  • Build the data record.
    • The time tag is set to 0 : transmit as soon as possible.
    • The repeat count is set to 1 : the record will be not be repeated.
  • Finally, the mxfFlexAnalogTxAperiodicWrite() function with MXF_TXAPERIODIC_FLAG_DEFAULT flag must be used.



Updated 10/23/2023