MX Foundation 4

The timebase defines how MX Foundation processes and returns the time values.

The timebase is set on a process basis using the mxfSystemTimeBaseSet() function.

The table below lists the different timebases available;

Time Base Constant Description Unit
MXF_TIMEBASE_DEVICE_USEC Elapsed time since the device power up (FlexMAX) or power up/reset for all others µs
MXF_TIMEBASE_COMPUTER_USEC Elapsed time since January 1, 1970 based on the computer time µs
MXF_TIMEBASE_IRIGB_USEC Elapsed time since January 1, 1970 based on the IRIG-B input µs
MXF_TIMEBASE_DEVICE_NSEC Elapsed time since the device power up (FlexMAX) or power up/reset for all others ns
MXF_TIMEBASE_COMPUTER_NSEC Elapsed time since January 1, 1970 based on the computer time ns
MXF_TIMEBASE_IRIGB_NSEC Elapsed time since January 1, 1970 based on the IRIG-B input ns

If the timebase is not set by an application at startup, the default timebase after a system reset is MXF_TIMEBASE_DEVICE_NSEC.

The following sections describe each timebase into more details:

Updated 10/23/2023