MX Foundation 4

MIL 1553 Periodic Message Structure. More...

#include <mxf_class_mil1553.h>

Data Fields

uint32 options
uint32 delay
uint16 command
uint16 command2
uint16 retryHaltOptions
uint16 statusMask
uint16 condBranch
uint16 condMask
uint16 condData
uint16 branchMinorIndex
uint16 branchMsgIndex
uint16 modulo
uint16 reserved [2]

Detailed Description

Field Documentation


This bit field gives information about the message.

Bit option Description
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_RT_RT This message is an RT-RT command.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_BUS_B This message will use the BUS B.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_CHECKSUM_ENABLE The checksum will be sent in place of the last data word.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_GAP Specifies to use the inter-message gap delay (see MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG.delay). The delay is computed between the end of the preceding message on the same bus and the beginning of this one (gap). See MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_BUS_GAP to use gap computed on both buses.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_NOOP_AND_WAITONCOND Specifies to not send any command and wait on the discrete input condition. A discrete condition must be set, refer to condBranch.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_NEXTFRAME_NOW Specifies to send the next minor frame immediately after this one (do not respect the minor frame rate). This is most useful with a condition branch to minor frame (branchMsgIndex set to 0xFFFF), since it allows to branch to the minor frame immediately, but this option can be used on any message of the minor frame. Supported on Enhanced BC only.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_DELAY Specifies to use the inter-message gap delay (see MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG.delay). The delay is computed between the beginning of the preceding message and the beginning of this one.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_BUS_GAP Specifies to use the inter-message gap delay (see MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG.delay). The delay is computed on both buses.
mil1553_aperiodic_frame.c, mil1553_bc_rt_data_assignment.c, mil1553_cond_branch_1.c, mil1553_cond_branch_2.c, and mil1553_manyErrorInjections.c.

Inter-message gap time delay. 19-bit expressed in ⅛ bit time, minimum of 16. (2 to 65535 bit time). On IPM-1553-MRT, the effective delay will be rounded down to the nearest bit time value. Used with MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_GAP, MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_BUS_GAP and MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_DELAY option. By default, the start between this message and the previous message on the bus is delayed by a minimum of 4 bit time as specified in the MIL-1553 specification. This can be changed by using MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_DELAY, MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_GAP and MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_BUS_GAP option. Note that with value smaller than 32, the module may not achieve inter-message gap that fast.

mil1553_aperiodic_frame.c, mil1553_bc_rt_data_assignment.c, mil1553_cond_branch_1.c, and mil1553_cond_branch_2.c.

MIL-STD-1553 Command (must be a RX command if in RT-RT transfer mode). You can use mxfMIL1553CommandCompose() function to help you set the command field.

mil1553_embedded_async_to_1553.c, and mil1553_embedded_update_embedded.c.

MIL-STD-1553 Command #2 for RT-RT transfer (must be a TX command). You can use mxfMIL1553CommandCompose() function to help you set the command2 field.

uint16 MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG::retryHaltOptions

Retry and halt options.

Retry conditions has precedence over halt conditions.

Retry conditions:

Bit option Description
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_RETRY_NORESPONSE_ENABLE Forces the retry when the RT does not respond to the current command.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_RETRY_ERROR_ENABLE Forces the retry when the BC has detected an error. Errors are: Discontinuity of data words, improper number of data bits, invalid manchester, parity error, invalid sync, status address error and message length error. Errors are checked only on data and status received by the BC.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_RETRY_SWITCH_ENABLE Allows using the dynamic bus selection feature. This feature automatically switches to the alternate bus after a successful retry on that bus. If this option is not used, the active bus will not be changed after the retry.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_RETRY_STATUSMASK_AND Forces the retry of the major frame when the result of received RT status word AND statusMask is not equal to zero. For RT-RT transaction, both RT status must be received for the condition to be executed. If received status has an error, the condition will be ignored. This bit can't be used at the same time as MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_NOTEQUAL and MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_EQUAL.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_RETRY_STATUSMASK_NOTEQUAL Forces the retry of the major frame when the received RT status word is different than statusMask. For RT-RT transaction, both RT status must be received for the condition to be executed. If received status has an error, the condition will be ignored. This bit can't be used at the same time as MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_AND and MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_EQUAL.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_RETRY_STATUSMASK_EQUAL Forces the retry of the major frame when the received RT status word is equal to statusMask. For RT-RT transaction, both RT status must be received for the condition to be executed. If received status has an error, the condition will be ignored. This bit can't be used at the same time as MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_AND and MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_NOTEQUAL.

Retry action:

Bit option Description
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_RETRY_ACT_BUS Forces the retry on the active bus (the same bus where the failure occurs).
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_RETRY_ALT_BUS Forces the retry on the alternate bus.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_RETRY_ACT_ALT_BUS Forces the retry on the alternate bus and then on the active bus if necessary (up to 2 retries).

Halt conditions:

Bit option Description
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_ERROR_ENABLE Forces the halt of the major frame when the BC has detected an error. Errors are: Discontinuity of data words, improper number of data bits, invalid manchester, parity error, invalid sync, status address error and message length error. Errors are checked only on data and status received by the BC.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_AND Forces the halt of the major frame when the result of received RT status word AND statusMask is not equal to zero. For RT-RT transaction, both RT status must be received for the condition to be executed. If received status has an error, the condition will be ignored. This bit can't be used at the same time as MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_NOTEQUAL and MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_EQUAL.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_NOTEQUAL Forces the halt of the major frame when the received RT status word is different than statusMask. For RT-RT transaction, both RT status must be received for the condition to be executed. If received status has an error, the condition will be ignored. This bit can't be used at the same time as MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_AND and MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_EQUAL.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_EQUAL Forces the halt of the major frame when the received RT status word is equal to statusMask. For RT-RT transaction, both RT status must be received for the condition to be executed. If received status has an error, the condition will be ignored. This bit can't be used at the same time as MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_AND and MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_HALT_STATUSMASK_NOTEQUAL.
mil1553_errors.c, mil1553_manyErrorInjections.c, and mil1553_rtErrorInjections.c.

Status bit mask (see retry and halt options). (see the MIL-STD-1553 specification for details about the status bits).


Conditional branch option and word index.
Bit 0..1 : Conditional branch option
Bit 8..13 : Word index

mxfMIL1553ConditionalBranchCompose() or mxfMIL1553ConditionalBranchOnDiscreteCompose() can be used to help set the condBranch field.
Conditional branch option (bit 0..1):

Bit option Description
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_CONDBRANCH_OPT_AND AND option: Branch if “condMask” AND “Received Word” AND “condData” is not equal to zero.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_CONDBRANCH_OPT_NOTEQUAL NOT EQUAL option: Branch if “condMask” AND “Received Word” is not equal to “condData”.
MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_CONDBRANCH_OPT_EQUAL EQUAL option: Branch if “condMask” AND “Received Word” is equal to “condData”.

Word index (bit 8..13): On which word index we verify the condition (0-63). This index corresponds to the position index of the word in the message (0-35) or discrete input channel (63). Indexes 36-62 are not used.

Conditional branch cannot happen on data transmitted by the BC and does not count for the index position.

For example, for a BC to RT command with 3 data words, the index #0 corresponds to the RT status word.

For a RT to BC command with 3 data words, the index #0 corresponds to the RT status word, index #1 to the first RT data, and the index #3 corresponds to the last RT data word.

If received word corresponding to this word index has a bus error (discontinuity of data words, improper number of data bits, invalid manchester, parity error and invalid sync), the condition will be ignored.

For index 63, the condition is executed on the associated discrete input. condMask defines which discrete input pins to use.

uint16 MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG::branchMinorIndex

Minor frame index where to branch. If the minor frame index is different than the current minor frame and that branchMsgIndex is not 0xFFFF, when the conditional branch will be finished, the BC will continue with the next minor frame (skipping the commands after the conditional branch). If the minor frame index is the same as the current minor frame and that branchMsgIndex is not 0xFFFF, when the conditional branch will be finished, the BC will continue with the next command following the conditional branch.

mil1553_bc_dual_major_frame.c, mil1553_cond_branch_1.c, and mil1553_cond_branch_2.c.
uint16 MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG::branchMsgIndex

Message index (in the specified branchMinorIndex minor frame) where to branch.

If branchMsgIndex is set to 0xFFFF, this will cause the condition to branch to the minor frame branchMinorIndex directly (Supported on Enhanced module only). The BC will wait for the minor frame rate before branching except if the MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG_OPT_NEXTFRAME_NOW option is specified (options).

mil1553_bc_dual_major_frame.c, mil1553_cond_branch_1.c, and mil1553_cond_branch_2.c.

Allows to skip transmission of the message. Minimum is 1 and maximum is 256. A modulo of 1 sends the message each time the minor frame is executed. A modulo of 2 sends the message once and then skips the next time and so on. On IPM-1553-MRT, the modulo must be set to 1.

mil1553_aperiodic_frame.c, mil1553_bc.c, mil1553_bc_buserror_trigger.c, mil1553_bc_dual_major_frame.c, mil1553_bc_extclock.c, mil1553_bc_rt_data_assignment.c, mil1553_cond_branch_1.c, mil1553_cond_branch_2.c, mil1553_ebr.c, mil1553_embedded_async_to_1553.c, mil1553_embedded_update_embedded.c, mil1553_errors.c, mil1553_manyErrorInjections.c, mil1553_rtErrorInjections.c, multi.c, and multi.cs.
uint16 MXF_MIL1553_TXPERIODIC_MJRFRAME_MSG::reserved[2]

Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0 when calling mxfTxPeriodicMajorFrameSet() function.

Updated 10/23/2023