MX Foundation 4
MXF_A629_ERROR_INJ Struct Reference

ARINC 629 Error Injection Structure. More...

#include <mxf_class_a629.h>

Data Fields

uint16 error [257]
uint16 reserved [3]

Detailed Description

The error injection structure is used with mxfA629ErrorInjectionSet() and mxfA629ErrorInjectionGet() functions to set or get error injection.

ar629_error_injection_detection.c, and ar629_error_injection_detection.cs.

Field Documentation

uint16 MXF_A629_ERROR_INJ::error[257]

Error ID and parameter for each message word.
Bit 0..7 : Error ID
Bit 8..15 : Error Parameter (optional)
mxfA629ErrorInjectionCompose() function can be used to help set the errors field.

Error ID Description
Param: None
MXF_A629_ERRORID_GAP (FM629 only) Inserts a gap between words. The gap is between this word and the preceding. If the gap is on the first word of the first wordstring of a message, this gap replaces the TG.
Param: Gap (0..255 bit time). A 0 bit time gap inserts an 1/2 bit time gap. The gap is inserted after the parity bit of the preceding word.
MXF_A629_ERRORID_SYNC_INVERT (FM629 only) Inverts the sync pattern.
Param: None
MXF_A629_ERRORID_PPSYNC (FM629 only) Does the opposite of what it is normally supposed to do (does not send PPSYNC pulse if first wordstring of a message or send PPSYNC if not first wordstring of a message).
Param: None
MXF_A629_ERRORID_PSYNC (FM629 only) Does the opposite of what it is normally supposed to do (does not send PSYNC pulse if first wordstring of a message or send PSYNC if not first wordstring of a message).
Param: None
MXF_A629_ERRORID_SHORT_WORD (FM629 only) Transmits one bit less (does not send the parity bit).
Param: None
MXF_A629_ERRORID_LONG_WORD (FM629 only) Transmits one more bit (sends parity bit twice).
Param: None
MXF_A629_ERRORID_PARITY_INVERT Inverts the parity bit.
Param: None
MXF_A629_ERRORID_DATA_MANCHZEROCROSSING (FM629 only) Specifies where the zero-crossing of a bit of a data word should occur.
Param: Bit[7-3]: specify which bit time should have the error (0 to 16). Bit 16 is parity bit.
Bit[2:0]: specify where the zero-crossing should occur within the bit.
Valid values are 0 to 7. Expressed in ⅛ bit time. Value of 0 means no zero-crossing.
MXF_A629_ERRORID_SYNC_MANCHZEROCROSSING (FM629 only) Specifies where the zero-crossing of a bit of a sync word should occur.
Bit[5:0]: specify where the zero-crossing should occur within the bit.
Valid values are 0 to 23. Expressed in ⅛ bit time. Value of 0 means no zero-crossing.
MXF_A629_ERRORID_BUS_QUIET (FM629 only) Does not transmit the specify bit (bus will be idle for this bit duration).
Param: Bit[5-0]: specify which bit time should have the error (0 to 16). Bit 16 is parity bit.
ar629_error_injection_detection.c, and ar629_error_injection_detection.cs.
uint16 MXF_A629_ERROR_INJ::reserved[3]

Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0 when calling mxfA629ErrorInjectionSet().

Updated 10/23/2023