MX Foundation 4
Embedded Programming

This section describes MX Foundation embedded programming to include:

Real-time Linux

Flex devices have a CPU, on-board memory, and run an embedded Linux RTOS. The Flex device also include an FPGA that is responsible of all the supported databus and I/O frame encoding, decoding, time stamping, errors injections, detection and other protocols critical state machines. The embedded CPU is responsible of all the supported databus I/O engines communications with the FPGA in addition to the Ethernet, USB and PCI-Express communication stacks. This CPU-RTOS-FPGA device architecture allows to handle many combinations of databus and I/O protocols and communication with a host computer using either PCI-Express, USB or Ethernet. The Flex devices can be viewed as a real-time embedded computer with CPU, RTOS and FPGA running specialized databus, I/O and communications software and hardware engines.

Typical usage

The Flex devices are typically used by connecting it to a host computer using USB, Ethernet or PCI-Express link and running a supplied or user-developed application on the host computer with the MX Foundation API. In such usage scenarios, there is no embedded programming necessary. The Flex devices comes out of the box with the firmware needed to control the device and uses all the supported databus and I/O capabilities.

Specialized usages

The embedded CPU with Linux RTOS is also available to the user for running specialized embedded applications. A user-developed embedded application can run on the Flex device and communicate with the host computer or run on the Flex device without connection to a host computer (auto-run mode). For example, a simulator may need to send data using specialized UDP communication and handle custom messages processing. Such tasks can be user developed as embedded specialized software that run on the Flex device Linux RTOS. Other usages examples are bridging data between two different protocols, specialized trigger action, specialized message filtering, using the Flex as standalone unit for recording data in embedded flash-memory and so on.

Embedded Programming

MX Foundation 4 API has been compiled to run with embedded Linux which allows a user application to also run embedded and used MX Foundation 4 the same way of it would on a computer.

With FlexMulti/FlexMobile devices, additional services are available:

  • telnet server: With a telnet connection, you will be able to interact with Linux. Telnet connection uses the same user/password as MX Foundation 4 server.
  • tftp client: A tftp client is available, but you will need a tftp server on the host computer. With tftp, you will be able to download files to the device and upload files from the device.
  • gdbserver (FlexMulti): GDB server is also available to help debug the embedded application. To start gdbserver, use the following commands:
    gdbserver host:5555 path_to_my_app
    On the host, start the GDB client with the following script. Edit it to match your specific settings:
    export PYTHONHOME=/usr/
    export EXEC=path_to_my_ELDK_root/ELDK_5_3_85xx_v2/powerpc-e500v2/sysroots/i686-eldk-linux/usr/bin/ppce500v2-linux-gnuspe/powerpc-linux-gnuspe-gdb
    $EXEC -iex "set directories path_to_directory" \
          -iex "file path_to_my_file" \
          -iex "set sysroot path_to_my_ELDK_root/ELDK_5_3_85xx_v2/powerpc-e500v2/sysroots/ppce500v2-linux-gnuspe/" \
          -iex "target remote device_ip_address:5555"

With FlexMAX devices, this additional service is available:

  • SSH server: With a SSH connection, you will be able to interact with Linux. SSH connection uses the same user/password as MX Foundation 4 server. You will also be able to download files to the device and upload files from the device.


The recommended way to develop an MX Foundation embedded application is to develop it first as a host application. Once the host application is developed, debugged, tested, and works as expected then it should be tested in an embedded environment. This process can be iterative for complex applications. The same MX Foundation functionalities are available in the embedded environment as in the host environment. The mxfDeviceFileUpload() function is available to upload an application from the host to the device. Once an embedded application is running, most of the host functions are unavailable until the embedded application is finished and the host library is reloaded. When running embedded, the output of printf will be directed to the debug com port (115200 bps, 8 bit data, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control). For FlexMulti devices, a USB UART cable can be used to connect to the computer.The use of the serial port is not mandatory, it is only there to facilitate the development.

Remember that the application will need to be compiled with Linux to run on the device. If the host OS is not Linux, some precautions will need to be taken. For example, if standard socket programming is used, some functionalities differ between Windows and Linux sockets. Also, OS specific functions (like synchronization object) will need to have their equivalent defined for Linux compilation.

To communicate with the embedded application, the use of a communication queue is recommended. A small set of functions can be used to configure and use a communication queue. The communication queue is a functionality that is available on the host application when an embedded application is running to allow exchange of information between the two. For example, to implement a command/ack scenario between the host and embedded part of the application, the host can use one communication queue to send the command and the embedded can use another communication queue to send the ack. The number of communication queues available is defined by KMXF_DEVICE_EMBEDDED_COMM_QUEUE_NUM initialization attribute.

Since the goal is to run the application in an embedded environment, some precautions must be taken when developing the application. Resources in an embedded environment are more scarce. For instance, FlexMulti 629 has 256 MB of DDR2 memory. The memory is shared between embedded Linux services and applications, but also with the filesystem. Embedded Linux uses ramfs for its filesystem so that every file is in fact stored in RAM. This lowers the amount of memory available for the embedded application. Typically, around 150 MB is available for the embedded application. Files created by the application will be lost after a reset or power-off of the device.

Embedded applications can optionally use these two libraries in addition to the standard c library:

  • libm: mathematical library (math.h)
  • libpthread: for multithreaded application


Embedded Linux Development Kit

The embedded application must be compiled using a cross-compiler package that will generate code compatible with the CPU of the Flex device. This package is included with the MX Foundation Linux SDK.

A Linux environment is needed to compile the embedded code. For Windows/OSX user, a virtual machine with Linux as a guest operating system is recommended. The MXF installation folder should be shared between the host and guest OS.


The makefile of examples in /make/linux_embedded should be used as reference to create the makefile to compile embedded application.


The FlexMulti, FlexMobile and FlexMAX devices can be set in auto-run mode which will automatically start the application that is burned into its NOR flash at power-up. The same steps described in Development section should be used to build the application that will be started. A client/server architecture should be used when developing the embedded application. The embedded application should act as a server, meaning that it should not close, because it is the main way to communicate with the application.


The standalone application needs MX Foundation library and firmware to run. These files will automatically be packaged with the standalone application by the mxfStandAloneFileGenerate() function. The mxfStandAloneFileGenerate() function generates the package to burn in the device's NOR flash memory, which is in the same folder as the standalone application executable.

You can now burn the package in the NOR flash memory of the FlexMulti, FlexMobile or FlexMAX device by using the mxfDeviceFirmwareUpload() function or using the deviceprog utility (bin/utilities).

With deviceprog utility, from terminal, run deviceprog with path to .ctrom file generated by mxfStandAloneFileGenerate() function as a parameter and follow the instructions to the flash standalone device (Server Address is standalone device IP address). You can change the default IP address and netmask at this step. Be sure to set the IP address and netmask according to your desired network configuration if DHCP is not used.

Non-volatile Storage

FlexMulti devices have non-volatile memory (NAND flash). The non-volatile memory is useful to make the device a standalone data recorder with the help of the Non-Volatile Storage group of functions. These functions allow an application to create files and assign an acquisition channel to a file so that incoming data is automatically written to the file. Acquisition filtering is also available. Functions to read the content of a file and navigate through it are also available.


MX Embedded

The MX Embedded service lets the user download and attach an embedded code within the MX Foundation firmware residing on the MAX Technologies device. MX Embedded application is different from MX Foundation embedded application. Both are compiled using the cross-compiler package, but MX Embedded application has access only to a specific group of functions that can be called from the function handlers. This embedded code can have many function handlers that are called on to receive or transmit events. For example, it is possible to make these user defined handlings:

  • RX message filtering
  • RX message triggering
  • RX/TX message bridging
  • TX message data updating
  • Timer handling

MX Embedded application is useful when the application must react quickly (low latency) to an event, for more complex filtering or triggering or to bridge data between two different protocols. MX Foundation embedded application can also use a MX Embedded application.


The host part is the MX Foundation API with the MX Embedded service functions. MX Foundation lets the user have complete control over supported hardware devices, including devices-channel-attributes, operating modes, RX/TX messages queuing, TX scheduling, routing and data processing. The MX Embedded service allows:

  • Download compiled code
  • Download data section
  • Send commands
  • Enabling specific channel event handling
  • Writing/reading user shared space
  • Reading from RX queues
  • Writing into TX queues

The control of the embedded code is made by sending commands and/or using the shared memory space.

Initialization attributes are used to define the number of TX/RX embedded queues and shared memory space size.

Function overview




The embedded part consists of function handler templates. Each function must be implemented by the user. This part doesn't have access to MX Foundation functions. It uses a special embedded API. This API allows:

  • TX message data update
  • Aperiodic transmission
  • Writing/reading user shared space
  • Timer configuration
  • printf function for debugging purpose
  • Writing into RX queues
  • Reading TX queues
  • etc.

Handler overview


Follow these steps to install the cross-compiler package. Once the toolchain is installed, it will be used to compile the MX Embedded application.

Here are the steps to compile an MX Embedded application:

  • If you already have the embedded source code, copy it to the examples/_my_subfolder_/src/embedded folder, otherwise copy the provided embedded code template (examples/embedded/src/embedded_side/embedded_side_template.c) to another filename and implement each template functions handler needed.
  • Copy any embedded batch file example (examples/_my_subfolder_/make/linux_embedded/build_xxx) to another filename.
  • Edit the batch file and change the embedded file name on the second line (export MX_FILE=filename) for your embedded code filename.
  • Run the batch file to start the compilation.

    cd /path_to_mx_foundation_install/examples/_my_subfolder_/make/linux_embedded

  • If no compilation error occurs, the compiled binary file will be created in bin/examples/embedded/embedded-side of your MX Embedded installation folder.
  • The embedded code is now ready to be downloaded and controlled by the MX Foundation host application.


The C library (libc.a) and the Math library (libm.a) are included in the toolchain installation.

The C library contains many functions. Only a few of these functions may be used in a MX Embedded code:

  • Standard Utility functions (stdlib.h): abs and atoi only
  • Character type functions (ctype.h): all
  • Input and Output functions (stdio.h): printf only
  • Strings and memory functions (string.h): all

The usage of any other functions is not recommended.

The Math library allows using many mathematical functions. The prototypes are found in math.h.

Debugger Monitor

The embedded monitor tool displays the “printf” formatted output generated by the embedded code. The executable is located in “mx_foundation/bin/utilities” directory.



Updated 10/23/2023