MX Foundation 4
ASYNC Software Flow Control Attributes

XON Value

The KMXF_MODULE_XON_VAL attribute defined for the module the value used for XON character.

It may take any 8-bit value, but will be affected by the word size attribute.

Word Size XON Range
5 bits 0-31
6 bits 0-63
7 bits 0-127
8 bits 0-255

Default value: 0x11

XOFF Value

The KMXF_MODULE_XOFF_VAL attribute defined for the module the value used for XOFF character.

It may take any 8-bit value, but will be affected by the word size attribute.

Word Size XOFF Range
5 bits 0-31
6 bits 0-63
7 bits 0-127
8 bits 0-255

Default value: 0x13

Transmit Control

The KMXF_ASYNCEH_XONXOFF_TRANSMIT_ENABLE attribute allows automatic transmission of XON and XOFF character based on the RX FIFO almost empty and almost full threshold and acquisition buffer level for XON/XOFF flow control.

The supported values are:

Constant Value
VMXF_DISABLE Disable transmit control (default)
VMXF_ENABLE Enable transmit control

Detection Control

The KMXF_ASYNCEH_XONXOFF_DETECTION_ENABLE attribute allows detection of XON and XOFF character for transmitter channel. When enable, the reception of a XOFF character will halt the transmission on the TX channel and a XON character will resume it.

The supported values are:

Constant Value
VMXF_DISABLE Disable detection control (default)
VMXF_ENABLE Enable detection control

RX FIFO Control

The KMXF_ASYNCEH_XONXOFF_RX_FIFO_ENABLE attribute defines if the receiver saves the XON and XOFF characters in the FIFO. When enable, XON and XOFF characters will be saved in the RX FIFO, otherwise they will be discarded.

The supported values are:

Constant Value
VMXF_DISABLE Do not save XON/XOFF characters in RX FIFO (default)

Updated 10/23/2023