MX Foundation 4
Channel Class

Accessing a physical MIL-1553 channel requires a handle to the channel.

A channel handle is a reference to a channel holding a physical resource (port), and is the first argument to be passed to many MXF channel oriented functions.

To get the handle to an MIL-1553 physical port, regardless of the installed devices, use the mxfModuleChannelGet() function by specifying the physical port index.

The mxfModuleChannelAllGet() function with the chnClass argument MXF_CLASS_MIL1553 can also be used.

If MXF_DEVICE_ALL is specified with mxfSystemDeviceAllGet() function, all handles of detected devices are returned.

HMXF_SERVER server=0;
HMXF_DEVICE devices[2];
uint32 rc;
uint64 deviceCount;
uint64 moduleCount;
uint64 channelCount;
uint64 deviceIndex;
uint32 deviceType = MXF_DEVICE_ALL; // All devices
uint32 moduleType = MXF_MODULE_MIL1553MRT_EH; // MIL-1553 enhanced module
uint32 chnClass = MXF_CLASS_MIL1553; // MIL-STD-1553 Channel
uint32 subClass = MXF_SCLASS_BM_CHANNEL; // Bus Monitor
rc = mxfServerConnect("", "", "", FALSE, &server);
if(rc == MAXT_SUCCESS)
rc = mxfSystemDeviceAllGet(server, deviceType, 2, &deviceCount, devices);
for(deviceIndex=0; rc==MAXT_SUCCESS && deviceIndex<deviceCount; deviceIndex++)
rc = mxfDeviceModuleAllGet(devices[deviceIndex], moduleType, 1, &moduleCount, &module);
if(rc == MAXT_SUCCESS && moduleCount != 0)
rc = mxfModuleChannelAllGet(module, chnClass, subClass, 1, &channelCount, &bm);
if(rc == MAXT_SUCCESS && channelCount != 0)
break; // Found first BM channel

To obtain the handle for a specific channel location on a specific device model, pass the device type constant to the device argument and physical location.

HMXF_SERVER server=0;
HMXF_DEVICE device=0;
HMXF_MODULE module=0;
uint32 rc;
uint64 deviceCount=0;
uint64 deviceType = MXF_DEVICE_FLEX1553_PCIE; // Flex1553 device
uint64 moduleIndex = 0; // First module
uint64 channelIndex = 2; // First BC channel
rc = mxfServerConnect("", "", "", FALSE, &server);
if(rc == MAXT_SUCCESS)
rc = mxfSystemDeviceAllGet(server, deviceType, 1, &deviceCount, &device);
if(rc == MAXT_SUCCESS && deviceCount == 1)
rc = mxfDeviceModuleGet(device, moduleIndex, &module);
if(rc == MAXT_SUCCESS)
rc = mxfModuleChannelGet(module, channelIndex, &bc);
Updated 10/23/2023