MX Foundation 4
Device Management

MX Foundation 4 comes with many device management functions to retrieve product information including serial numbers and firmware version, as well as to read the device's sensors for voltage, current and temperature levels.

Production information

Information about the device such as device type, serial number, and code revision are available to an application.

mxfDeviceInfoGet() function returns information on the device (device type, number of modules, sync-in/sync-out status, ...).

mxfDeviceFlashInfoRead() function returns information on the device hardware revision (serial number, MAC address, ...).

mxfSoftInfoGet() function returns version information on the installed software on the server.

deviceinfo utility also can be used to report this information.


Many sensors are installed on the Flex device. Those sensors return information about voltage, current and temperature of the device.

mxfSensorsRead() and mxfSensorsReadAll() functions returns a value for a specific sensor or all sensors respectively for the device.

mxfSensorsInfoGet() function returns information on a specific sensor, such as its name and unit.

deviceinfo utility also can be used to report the sensor's value.




MXF Server is supporting Bonjour service. Bonjour provides a method to discover Ethernet Flex devices on a local area network. Each Ethernet Flex device come with a predefined Bonjour ID and Bonjour Name. With a Bonjour enabled application, it is possible to discover and connect to an Ethernet Flex device server without knowing its IP address.

Updated 10/23/2023