MX Foundation 4

ARINC 717 parameters can be read or modified using the mxfAttributeUint64Get(), mxfAttributeDoubleGet(), mxfAttributeUint64Set() and mxfAttributeDoubleSet() functions by passing the handle (device, module or channel) and attribute key-value pair.

See the section Attributes Reference for a description of all supported attributes.

Some other utility functions are used for getting more information about attributes;

The following code shows how to change the subframe size to 256 words for a given channel.

MXF_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_UINT64_DETAILS info; // Attribute detail structure
HMXF_SERVER server; // Server handle
HMXF_DEVICE device; // Device handle
HMXF_MODULE module; // Module handle
HMXF_CHANNEL tx; // Channel handle
uint64 deviceIdx = 0; // Device index #0
uint64 moduleType = MXF_MODULE_MULTI_EH; // MULTI module
uint64 chnClass = MXF_CLASS_A717; // A717
uint64 subClass = MXF_SCLASS_TX_CHANNEL; // Transmitter
uint64 moduleCount=0;
uint64 channelCount=0;
uint32 rc;
//Connects to the server
rc=mxfServerConnect("", "", "", 0, &server);
//MXF initialization
if (!rc)
rc = mxfSystemInit(server);
//Obtains the first device handle
rc = mxfSystemDeviceGet(server, deviceIdx, &device);
//Obtains the first module handle
rc = mxfDeviceModuleAllGet(device, moduleType, 1, &moduleCount, &module);
//Obtains channel handle
if(!rc && moduleCount)
rc = mxfModuleChannelAllGet(module, chnClass, subClass, 1, &channelCount, &tx);
//Sets subframe size to 256 words
if(!rc && channelCount)
rc = mxfAttributeUint64Set(tx, KMXF_A717_SUBFRAME_SIZE, 256);
Updated 10/23/2023